Clinics We Offer

Minor Illness
We have a Minor Illness Clinic - Monday - Friday mornings.
This service is run by our Advanced Nurse Practitioners Claire Jones, Melanie Edwards and Nurse Practitioner Nick Green. Appointments can be made on the day by contacting reception and the clinic is overseen by our duty doctor. These appointments are for one acute problem only.
This Minor Illness Clinic is intended for patients who require advice and treatment for acute conditions only such as:
- Coughs, colds, virus and flu like illness
- Ear, nose and throat infections
- Chest infections, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations
- Allergies, Hay fever
- Urine infections
- Skin complaints, eczema
- Childhood illnesses/fever
- Musculoskeletal (MSK) complaints i.e. muscle and joint injuries/complaints including low back pain
- Emergency contraception, contraception advice and counselling, period problems
- Abdominal pain i.e. constipation, indigestion and heartburn, diarrhoea and vomiting

Long Term Condition Clinics
In response to customer feedback, we noted that many of our most vulnerable patients who found it difficult to get into the surgery in the first place were being bombarded with appointments for one check or an other. Where possible we will try and co-ordinate your appointments so that they can be done in one visit with multiple clinicians. We are getting excellent feedback that this is working well and saves multiple journeys into the surgery and lots of waiting around.
The nurses can offer help with minor ailments, routine and travel injections, immunisations, dressings, removing stitches etc. They are very involved in health promotion and can provide general advice on a wide range of health concerns.
Antenatal Clinic
Monday and Tuesday mornings.
Smear Clinic
Smears can be done by the nurses during their normal surgery hours, by appointment.

Child Health Surveillance Clinic
In conjunction with community physicians and health visitors we offer "checks" at six to eight weeks of age.
Childhood Immunisations are undertaken by the practice nurses. You will receive notification from Child Health when immunisations are due, please contact Reception to book a convenient appointment. Dedicated immunisation clinics are held every Tuesday.
Diabetic Clinic
Respiratory Disease Clinic
Hypertension Monitoring Clinic

Contraceptive Services
By appointment in surgery hours. The practice nurses will provide pill checks and repeat prescriptions for those patients established on oral contraception. Our specialist nurses, following a consultation can fit coil or implants, by appointment.
Minor Surgery
Various minor procedures can be performed at the surgery. Your doctor will advise you. Dedicated sessions are organised regularly.

Flu Vaccinations
An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes and residents of nursing and rest homes. Details of Flu clinics will be advertised close to the seasonal flu vaccination period.
Periodic Medical Examinations
Patients under the age of 75 who have not attended the surgery for the period of three years may take the opportunity to have a medical examination as appropriate when they have an appointment.
Patients over the age of 75 who have not been within 12-month period may take the opportunity to have this service annually. Such examination may be carried out by the patient's doctor, a practice nurse. This can be arranged at the surgery or, if that is not possible, a home visit will be arranged.